September 22, 2005 Governor Dodge Discusses How Regulation Can Improve Financial System Efficiency Media Relations Toronto, Ontario Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge today said that the pursuit of financial system efficiency is an important way for regulators to "best serve the public and contribute to sustainable economic growth and prosperity in Canada." Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
September 22, 2005 Financial System Efficiency: Getting the Regulatory Framework Right Remarks David Dodge Toronto CFA Society Toronto, Ontario The Bank of Canada has been contributing to the goal of an efficient financial system in a number of ways. The Bank's monetary policy aims to keep inflation low, stable, and predictable. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Remarks
September 9, 2005 The Evolution and Resolution of Global Imbalances Remarks David Dodge Spruce Meadows Roundtable Calgary, Alberta Today, I will talk about two types of global economic imbalances. The first relates to the way that savings and investment are being distributed across countries in an increasingly uneven way. The second is the possibility that, over the next couple of decades, the global economy might face a protracted period in which desired savings exceed planned investment, partly because of demographic trends. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Remarks
September 7, 2005 Bank of Canada raises overnight rate target by 1/4 percentage point to 2 3/4 per cent Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada today announced that it is raising its target for the overnight rate by one-quarter of one percentage point to 2 3/4 per cent. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
The Impact of Unanticipated Defaults in Canada's Large Value Transfer System Staff Working Paper 2005-25 Darcey McVanel Canada's Large Value Transfer System (LVTS) is designed to meet international risk-proofing standards at a minimum cost to participants in terms of collateral requirements. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial institutions, Payment clearing and settlement systems JEL Code(s): E, E4, E44, E47, G, G2, G21
A Search Model of Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Unemployment Staff Working Paper 2005-24 Robin Boadway, Oana Secrieru, Marianne Vigneault The authors develop a search model of venture capital in which the number of successful matches of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists (VCs) at any moment in time is a function of the number of entrepreneurs searching for funds, the number of VCs searching for entrepreneurs, and the number of vacancies posted by each VC. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial markets, Fiscal policy, Labour markets JEL Code(s): D, D8, D82, G, G1, G18, G2, G24, H, H2, H21, J, J6, J64
Pocket Banks and Out-of-Pocket Losses: Links between Corruption and Contagion Staff Working Paper 2005-23 Raphael Solomon The author describes a model with a corrupt banking system, in which bankers knowingly lend at market interest rates to back projects riskier than the market rate indicates. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial institutions, Financial stability JEL Code(s): D, D8, D82, G, G1, G19, G2, G21
August 25, 2005 Bank of Canada Announces 2005 Recipients of Annual Law-Enforcement Award of Excellence for Counterfeit Deterrence Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada is pleased to announce the 2005 recipients of its annual Law-Enforcement Award of Excellence for Counterfeit Deterrence. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
August 11, 2005 Bank of Canada releases 2006 schedule of dates for its policy interest rate announcements Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The announcement dates from September 2005 through December 2006 Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
August 8, 2005 Review of the Government of Canada Debt Distribution Framework Today, the findings of the review and Changes to the Government of Canada Debt Distribution Framework are being made public on the Bank's website. The changes will become effective in October 2005, following the update of the Terms of Participation and the Standard Terms for Government of Canada auctions. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices