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238 Results

November 9, 2000

Release of the Monetary Policy Report

Opening statement Gordon Thiessen
This morning we released our latest Monetary Policy Report. In the six months since the May Report, our economy has outperformed expectations, spurred by strong domestic and foreign demand for Canadian products. We now expect that growth will average 5 per cent in 2000 and 3 to 4 per cent in 2001. Despite this stronger-than-anticipated […]
August 16, 2000

Release of the Monetary Policy Report Update

Opening statement Gordon Thiessen
This morning we released our update to the May Monetary Policy Report. Overall, the outlook for Canadian economic growth and inflation is positive. Economic activity in Canada has remained strong since our May Report. Nonetheless, the underlying trend of inflation has been unexpectedly low - in the bottom half of our 1 to 3 per […]
May 16, 2000

Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

Opening statement Gordon Thiessen House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
Last week, we released our eleventh Monetary Policy Report. Since our November Report, the Canadian economy has outperformed expectations. Bolstered by vigorous external and domestic demand, Canada's economic expansion strengthened in the second half of 1999 and into early 2000.
May 11, 2000

Release of the Monetary Policy Report

Opening statement Gordon Thiessen
This morning we released our latest Monetary Policy Report. The outlook that we see for Canadian economic growth and inflation is very positive. The economy has outperformed expectations since our November Report and the underlying trend of inflation has been lower than expected. With the global economy gaining momentum and greater demand at home, we […]
February 16, 2000

Release of the Monetary Policy Report Update

Opening statement Gordon Thiessen
This morning, we released our update to the November 1999 Monetary Policy Report. It gives the Governing Council's latest outlook for the economy and for inflation. Information received since November confirms that our economy performed well last year - expanding by close to 4 per cent between the fourth quarter of 1998 and the fourth […]
May 26, 1999

Opening Statement before the Standing Committee on Finance of the House of Commons

Opening statement Gordon Thiessen Standing Committee on Finance of the House of Commons
It is always a pleasure to appear before your Committee following the publication of our Monetary Policy Report. We released our ninth Report last Wednesday. The Bank of Canada began publishing these Reports on a semi-annual basis four years ago, as part of our effort to increase the transparency and accountability of the Bank's conduct of monetary policy.
May 19, 1999

Release of the Monetary Policy Report

Opening statement Gordon Thiessen
This morning we released our ninth Monetary Policy Report. The economic and financial situation is much improved since our previous Report in November. Financial markets have steadied in Southeast Asia, and prospects are good for a gradual recovery there. In Brazil, the authorities have taken major steps to address their difficulties. Overall, global financial markets […]
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