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March 14, 2002

Debt Strategy Market Consultations - 2002-03: Summary of Comments

In January 2002, officials from the Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada sought views of Government Securities Distributors and investors on a number of issues related to the domestic debt program as part of the development of the Debt Strategy 2002-03 and in keeping with the Government's ongoing commitment to consult with market participants.
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
December 18, 2001

Government of Canada Pilot Bond Switch Program Launch: Operational Framework

On behalf of the Minister of Finance, the Bank of Canada announced today the operational framework for a pilot bond switch program. The program is designed to support the maintenance of a liquid Government of Canada new issue bond market through the exchange of less liquid outstanding bonds (repurchase bonds) into a benchmark bond (replacement bond).
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
October 22, 2001

Terms and Conditions for the Expanded Bank of Canada Collateral List Effective 1 November 2001

In July 2001, the Bank announced its intention to expand the list of collateral eligible for use in the Large Value Transfer System (LVTS), for loans made to direct participants in LVTS and the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS), and to secure bank note withdrawals. Effective 1 November 2001, the list of eligible collateral will be expanded and will comprise the following:
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
October 4, 2001

Debt Management Operational Enhancements

A key federal debt strategy objective is maintaining a well-functioning market in Government of Canada securities. In keeping with the government's commitment to market consultations in domestic debt management issues, in August 2001 consultations were held with market participants on potential operational enhancements.
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
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