June 25, 2008 United States Treasury Securities Accepted as Collateral for the Bank of Canada's Standing Liquidity Facility Further to its 12 December 2007 announcement, the Bank of Canada is expanding the list of securities eligible to be pledged as collateral for the Standing Liquidity Facility to include marketable securities issued by the United States Treasury (bills, notes and bonds, including Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities). Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
June 23, 2008 Bank of Canada Announces that Term PRA Maturing on 26 June will not be Renewed The Bank of Canada announced today that it will not renew the $1 billion term PRA maturing on 26 June. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
June 12, 2008 Results of the 12 June 2008 Term PRA Transaction Results of today's term PRA operations. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
June 10, 2008 Bank of Canada Announces Term PRA Transaction As part of its provision of liquidity in support of the efficient functioning of financial markets, the Bank of Canada announced today that it will enter into a 28-day term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) as follows: Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
June 5, 2008 Change in eligibility requirements for National Housing Act Mortgage-Backed Securities (NHA MBS) as collateral under the Bank of Canada's Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF): Minimum pool size lowered to $25 million from $75 million Effective immediately, the minimum pool size for eligibility of NHA MBS as collateral under the Bank of Canada's SLF will be lowered to $25 million from $75 million. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
May 30, 2008 Results of the 30 May 2008 Sale of Treasury Bills for Balance Sheet Management Purposes Results of the 30 May 2008 Sale of Treasury Bills. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
May 29, 2008 Results of the 29 May 2008 Term PRA Transaction The results of today's term PRA operations are as follows: Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
May 27, 2008 Bank of Canada to Sell Treasury Bills for Balance Sheet Management Purposes The Bank of Canada announced today it will sell $1.8 billion of its holdings of treasury bills. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
May 27, 2008 Bank of Canada Announces Term PRA Transaction As part of its provision of liquidity in support of the efficient functioning of financial markets, the Bank of Canada announced today that it will enter into a 28-day term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) as follows: Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
May 15, 2008 Results of the 15 May 2008 Term PRA Transaction The results of today's term PRA operations are as follows: Content Type(s): Press, Market notices