October 12, 2017 Chartered banks: Total foreign currency assets and liabilities (formerly C9) Month-end data on chartered bank foreign currency assets and liabilities.
October 12, 2017 Historical chartered bank assets and liabilities: Selected seasonally adjusted series (formerly C8) Inactive: Starting with reference month October 2020, the Bank of Canada no longer updates this table.
October 12, 2017 Historical chartered bank liabilities and shareholders’ equity: Month-end (formerly C4) Inactive: Starting with reference month October 2020, the Bank of Canada no longer updates this table.
October 12, 2017 Historical chartered bank assets: Month-end (formerly C3) Inactive: Starting with reference month October 2020, the Bank of Canada no longer updates this table.
October 12, 2017 Chartered bank selected liabilities: Month-end (formerly C2) Month-end data on chartered bank Canadian dollar deposits and foreign currency business with Canadian residents.
October 12, 2017 Chartered bank selected assets: Month-end (formerly C1) Month-end data on chartered bank assets by level of liquidity.
October 12, 2017 Historical strip bond trading and repos by type of security (formerly F14) Inactive: As of the end of 2017, the Bank of Canada no longer publishes this table. Starting from May 2018, a new version of the data is being published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Content Type(s): Banking and financial statistics
October 12, 2017 Historical Government of Canada treasury bill and bond trading with counterparties (formerly F13) Inactive: As of the end of 2017, the Bank of Canada no longer publishes this table. Starting from May 2018, a new version of the data is being published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Content Type(s): Banking and financial statistics
October 12, 2017 Historical bond market trading by type of security (formerly F12) Inactive: As of the end of 2017, the Bank of Canada no longer publishes this table. Starting from May 2018, a new version of the data is being published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Content Type(s): Banking and financial statistics
October 12, 2017 Historical money market trading by type of security (formerly F11) Inactive: As of the end of 2017, the Bank of Canada no longer publishes this table. Starting from May 2018, a new version of the data is being published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Content Type(s): Banking and financial statistics