January 14, 2008 Backgrounder on Questions in the Business Outlook Survey Concerning Past Sales and Credit Conditions Starting with the winter 2007–08 survey, the results of two additional questions became included in the Business Outlook Survey (BOS) publication: the balance of opinion on past sales and the balance of opinion on credit conditions. This backgrounder briefly describes the two questions and presents the correlations between the responses and relevant economic data. Content Type(s): Background materials
November 1, 2006 Renewal of the Inflation-Control Target (November 2006) Commentary and technical data relating to the 2006 target renewal. Content Type(s): Background materials Topic(s): Inflation and prices, Monetary policy
March 1, 2006 A Primer on Canada’s Large Value Transfer System Darcey McVanel, Neville Arjani This paper provides a comprehensive overview of Canada’s Large Value Transfer System (LVTS). Content Type(s): Background materials Topic(s): Payment clearing and settlement systems
May 1, 2001 Renewal of the Inflation-Control Target (May 2001) Commentary relating to the 2001 target renewal. Content Type(s): Background materials Topic(s): Inflation and prices, Monetary policy