Staff working papers

Staff working papers provide a forum for staff to publish work-in-progress research intended for journal publication.



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1339 result(s)

Measuring Uncertainty in Monetary Policy Using Implied Volatility and Realized Volatility

Staff Working Paper 2013-37 Bo Young Chang, Bruno Feunou
We measure uncertainty surrounding the central bank’s future policy rates using implied volatility computed from interest rate option prices and realized volatility computed from intraday prices of interest rate futures.

The Common Component of CPI: An Alternative Measure of Underlying Inflation for Canada

Staff Working Paper 2013-35 Mikael Khan, Louis Morel, Patrick Sabourin
In this paper, the authors propose a measure of underlying inflation for Canada obtained from estimating a monthly factor model on individual components of the CPI. This measure, labelled the common component of CPI, has intuitive appeal and a number of interesting features.

The Safety of Government Debt

Staff Working Paper 2013-34 Kartik Anand, Prasanna Gai
We examine the safety of government bonds in the presence of Knightian uncertainty amongst financial market participants. In our model, the information insensitivity of government bonds is driven by strategic complementarities across counterparties and the structure of trading relationships.

Which Parametric Model for Conditional Skewness?

Staff Working Paper 2013-32 Bruno Feunou, Mohammad R. Jahan-Parvar, Roméo Tedongap
This paper addresses an existing gap in the developing literature on conditional skewness. We develop a simple procedure to evaluate parametric conditional skewness models. This procedure is based on regressing the realized skewness measures on model-implied conditional skewness values.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Econometric and statistical methods JEL Code(s): C, C2, C22, C5, C51, G, G1, G12, G15

The ‘Celtic Crisis’: Guarantees, Transparency and Systemic Liquidity Risk

Staff Working Paper 2013-31 Philipp König, Kartik Anand, Frank Heinemann
Bank liability guarantee schemes have traditionally been viewed as costless measures to shore up investor confidence and prevent bank runs. However, as the experiences of some European countries, most notably Ireland, have demonstrated, the credibility and effectiveness of these guarantees are crucially intertwined with the sovereign’s funding risks.

Endogenous Trade Participation with Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-Through

Staff Working Paper 2013-30 Yuko Imura
This paper investigates the implications of endogenous trade participation for international business cycles, trade flow dynamics and exchange rate pass-through when price adjustments are staggered across firms.

Volatility and Liquidity Costs

Staff Working Paper 2013-29 Selma Chaker
Observed high-frequency prices are contaminated with liquidity costs or market microstructure noise. Using such data, we derive a new asset return variance estimator inspired by the market microstructure literature to explicitly model the noise and remove it from observed returns before estimating their variance.
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