Staff working papers

Staff working papers provide a forum for staff to publish work-in-progress research intended for journal publication.



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1339 result(s)

The Effect of Adjustment Costs and Organizational Change on Productivity in Canada: Evidence from Aggregate Data

Staff Working Paper 2004-1 Danny Leung
A basic neoclassical model of production is often used to assess the contribution of investment to output growth. In the model, investment raises the capital stock and output growth increases in proportion to the growth in capital.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Productivity JEL Code(s): O, O3, O31, O4, O49

Common Trends and Common Cycles in Canadian Sectoral Output

Staff Working Paper 2003-44 Francisco Barillas, Christoph Schleicher
The authors examine evidence of long- and short-run co-movement in Canadian sectoral output data. Their framework builds on a vector-error-correction representation that allows them to test for and compute full-information maximum-likelihood estimates of models with codependent cycle restrictions.

Why Does Private Consumption Rise After a Government Spending Shock?

Staff Working Paper 2003-43 Hafedh Bouakez, Nooman Rebei
Recent empirical evidence suggests that private consumption is crowded-in by government spending. This outcome violates existing macroeconomic theory, according to which the negative wealth effect brought about by a rise in public expenditure should decrease consumption.
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