Staff working papers

Staff working papers provide a forum for staff to publish work-in-progress research intended for journal publication.



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The Implications of Transmission and Information Lags for the Stabilization Bias and Optimal Delegation

Staff Working Paper 2004-37 Jean-Paul Lam, Florian Pelgrin
In two recent papers, Jensen (2002) and Walsh (2003), using a hybrid New Keynesian model, demonstrate that a regime that targets either nominal income growth or the change in the output gap can effectively replicate the outcome under commitment and hence reduce the size of the stabilization bias.

The U.S. New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An Empirical Assessment

Staff Working Paper 2004-35 Alain Guay, Florian Pelgrin
The authors examine the evidence presented by Galí and Gertler (1999) and Galí, Gertler, and Lopez-Salido (2001, 2003) that the inflation dynamics in the United States can be well-described by the New Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC).
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