Staff working papers

Staff working papers provide a forum for staff to publish work-in-progress research intended for journal publication.



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1338 result(s)

The Transmission of World Shocks to Emerging-Market Countries: An Empirical Analysis

Staff Working Paper 2004-44 Brigitte Desroches
The first step in designing effective policies to stabilize an economy is to understand business cycles. No country is isolated from the world economy and external shocks are becoming increasingly important.

Real Return Bonds, Inflation Expectations, and the Break-Even Inflation Rate

Staff Working Paper 2004-43 Ian Christensen, Christopher Reid, Frédéric Dion
According to the Fisher hypothesis, the gap between Canadian nominal and Real Return Bond yields (or break-even inflation rate) should be a good measure of inflation expectations.

Prévision et analyse de la production manufacturière au Canada : comparaison de modèles linéaires et non linéaires

Staff Working Paper 2004-40 Frédérick Demers
In this paper, the author describes reduced-form linear and non-linear econometric models developed to forecast and analyze quarterly data on output growth in the Canadian manufacturing sector from 1981 to 2003.
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