Staff working papers

Staff working papers provide a forum for staff to publish work-in-progress research intended for journal publication.

Content older than 10 years is available on the Bank’s Open Access Repository.



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1339 result(s)

Does Financial Structure Matter for the Information Content of Financial Indicators?

Staff Working Paper 2005-33 Ramdane Djoudad, Jack Selody, Carolyn A. Wilkins
Of particular concern to monetary policy-makers is the considerable unreliability of financial variables for predicting GDP growth and inflation.

Intertemporal Substitution in Macroeconomics: Evidence from a Two-Dimensional Labour Supply Model with Money

Staff Working Paper 2005-30 Ali Dib, Louis Phaneuf
The hypothesis of intertemporal substitution in labour supply has a history of empirical failure when confronted with aggregate time-series data.
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