Selected treasury bill yields: 10-year lookup

On this page, you can look up series data. For metadata and background information, see the series notes.

Specific Date or Range
Latest for daily series.
Latest for weekly series.
Latest for monthly series.
Search Criteria
  Daily Weekly Monthly
Treasury bill auction - average yields1 1 month
3 month
6 month
1 year
Treasury bills2 1 month
3 month
6 month
1 year
Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned (dollars)1 1 month
3 month
6 month
1 year
Amount Maturing

  1. 1. Weekly series values are as at Tuesday.
    Monthly series show values for the last Tuesday of the month.[]
  2. 2. Weekly series values are as at Wednesday.
    Monthly series show values for the last Wednesday of month.[]


  • Where applicable, each series shows its CANSIM 'V' identifier.
  • For rates prior to the past ten years, please refer to CANSIM at Statistics Canada.