Canadian interest rates and monetary policy variables: 10-year lookup

On this page, you can look up series data. For metadata and background information, see the series notes.

Series frequency:

  • Daily series show values for each business day.
  • Weekly series values are as at Wednesday.
  • Monthly series show values for the last Wednesday of each month.
The weekly Chartered Bank Interest Rates can now be found on Interest rates posted for selected products by the major chartered banks. The monthly series have been discontinued.
Specific Date or Range
Latest for daily series.
Latest for weekly series.
Latest for monthly series.
Search Criteria
Monetary Policy and Lynx Statistics Daily Weekly Monthly
Target for the overnight rate
Overnight money market financing rate1
Bank rate
Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA) (%)
Operating band Low
Overnight Repos (OR)2
Overnight Reverse Repos (ORR)2
Lynx settlement balances Target
Other Bank of Canada Operations Daily Weekly Monthly
Term Purchase and Resale agreements
Securities lending operations
Other Interest Rates Daily Weekly Monthly
Bankers' Acceptances3 1 month
3 month
Prime corporate paper rate3 1 month
2 month
3 month
Weekly effective household interest rate4
Weekly effective business interest rate5
Estimated variable mortgage rate
  1. 1. The OMMFR is an estimate of the collateralized overnight rate compiled at the end of the day by the Bank of Canada through a survey of major participants in the overnight market.[]
  2. 2. As of 1 October 2015, Overnight Repos and Overnight Reverse Repos, formerly called Special Purchase and Resale Agreements and Sale and Repurchase Agreements, are transacted on a cash-value basis.[]
  3. 3. As of January 2019, the Bank of Canada will no longer publish the daily, weekly or monthly prime commercial paper (CP) or bankers’ acceptance (BA) rates.
    The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) will start publishing for informational purposes only the 1- and 3-month transaction based BA rates on the same date. (Read full notice).[]
  4. 4. The effective interest rate for households is a weighted-average of various mortgage and consumer credit interest rates. The weights are derived from residential mortgage and consumer credit data, adjusted for additional information provided by financial institutions[]
  5. 5. The effective interest rate for businesses is a weighted-average borrowing rate for new lending to non-financial businesses, estimated as a function of bank and market interest rates. The weights are derived from business credit data.[]