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Monthly exchange rates

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All Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of aggregated price quotes from financial institutions. For details, please read our full Terms and Conditions.

The monthly average exchange rates are typically published by 16:30 ET on the last business day of each month. If the last business day of the month is a Bank holiday, the monthly average exchange rates are published on the first business day of the following month by 16:30 ET.

Exchange rates are expressed as 1 unit of the foreign currency converted into Canadian dollars.

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Australian dollar0.88040.88800.88970.90550.9105
Brazilian real0.27210.27190.26680.26590.2544
Chinese renminbi0.18770.18800.18890.18900.1890
European euro1.45691.47221.46641.47771.4752
Hong Kong dollar0.17260.17310.17460.17500.1755
Indian rupee0.016270.016310.016390.016400.01642
Indonesian rupiah0.0000860.0000860.0000850.0000850.000084
Japanese yen0.0090300.0090400.0088900.0087700.008680
Mexican peso0.078970.080660.081400.081310.07524
New Zealand dollar0.82650.82380.81440.82910.8413
Norwegian krone0.12790.12770.12540.12730.1292
Peruvian new sol0.35260.36500.36810.36620.3622
Russian ruble0.014720.014750.014700.015030.01560
Saudi riyal0.36000.36100.36450.36450.3654
Singapore dollar1.00381.01011.00771.01171.0139
South African rand0.070980.071830.072430.074210.07449
South Korean won0.0010130.0010170.0009980.0010020.000993
Swedish krona0.12950.13020.12640.12720.1307
Swiss franc1.53921.52471.50291.50381.5343
Taiwanese dollar0.042920.042740.042260.042290.04232
Turkish lira0.043800.042300.042300.042400.04210
UK pound sterling1.70471.72151.71171.72721.7427
US dollar1.35011.35391.36741.36701.3707