Government of Canada direct securities and loans: Distribution of holdings (formerly G4)

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Weekly data typically published on Fridays by 14:30 ET. Monthly data typically published by the third business day of the month.

Weekly series

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Weekly Wednesday, Millions of dollars (par value)2025‑02‑122025‑02‑192025‑02‑262025‑03‑052025‑03‑12
Bank of Canada1 
Treasury bills00000
Bonds inflation adjustment1,4351,4311,4271,4261,427
Bonds (inflation adjusted)226,303226,299226,296214,239214,240
Total (inflation adjusted)226,303226,299226,296214,239214,240
Government of Canada accounts2 3 
Treasury bills00000
Short-term instruments00000
General Public
Treasury bills278,300278,800306,300280,700278,600
Canada Bills issued in U.S. dollars1,9822,0092,5502,3172,184
Marketable bonds and notes913,731920,053927,709924,964 R936,510
Marketable bonds and notes inflation adjustment21,34821,28621,22321,20221,211
Marketable bonds and notes (inflation adjusted)935,080941,339948,932946,166 R957,722
Retail debt402402402402402
Total1,194,4151,201,2641,236,9611,208,383 R1,217,696
Total (inflation adjusted)1,215,7641,222,550 R1,258,184 R1,229,585 R1,238,908
Total securities outstanding1,419,6831,426,1321,461,8291,421,196 R1,430,509
Total securities outstanding (inflation adjusted)1,442,4671,448,849 R1,484,4801,443,824 R1,453,147

Monthly series

Month-end, Millions of dollars (par value)CANSIM2024‑092024‑102024‑112024‑122025‑01
Bank of Canada1 
Treasury billsV3737000000
Bonds inflation adjustmentV421416651,4481,4411,4241,4401,441
Bonds (inflation adjusted)V42141664230,378226,309226,292226,308226,309
Total (inflation adjusted)V42141663230,378226,309226,292226,308226,309
Government of Canada accounts2 3 
Treasury billsV3738200000
Short-term instrumentsV3734700000
General Public
Treasury billsV37377279,500280,700278,700284,600283,800
Canada Bills issued in U.S. dollarsV373235,1293,1523,0553,9072,047
Marketable bonds and notesV37378869,708877,062884,402900,548915,536
Marketable bonds and notes inflation adjustmentV4214166721,56221,45121,16521,43721,446
Marketable bonds and notes (inflation adjusted)V42141666891,270898,512905,567921,985936,983
Retail debtV37295471408405405405
Total (inflation adjusted)V421416721,176,3101,182,7721,187,7271,210,8961,222,830
Total securities outstandingV373401,383,6791,386,1891,391,4301,414,3281,426,251
Total securities outstanding (inflation adjusted)V421416731,406,6881,409,0811,414,0191,437,2051,449,139


Source: Bank of Canada

From 31 December 1971 to 31 December 2002, issues payable in foreign currencies have been converted into Canadian dollars at the closing spot rate as at the last business day of the calendar quarter. However, effective May 2005, they are calculated using the daily closing rates. As such, the data has been revised back to January 2003 to reflect this new methodology.

Holdings are shown at par value where available, in other cases at book value.

Government of Canada accounts include: the Securities and Investment Account; the Purchase Fund; and the federal non-marketable bonds issued to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Fund; and, effective May 2005, Obligations issued to Trustees in respect of Health Care Initiatives. As a result of this new inclusion, the data has been revised back to January 2003.

General public holdings of treasury bills and marketable bonds are obtained as a residual. The category general public includes other central banks, chartered banks, non-bank-owned investment dealers, other non-bank financial institutions and other resident and non-resident holders.

Effective 2009, separate data for Government of Canada debt holdings for non- financial corporations, provincial governments and municipal governments are no longer available.

Effective 5 November 1986, there was an accounting change in the treatment of Canada Savings Bonds sold on the Payroll Savings Plan to non-federal government employees. These bonds are now gradually included in outstandings as payroll deductions are remitted over the contract period. Previously, the total amount of payroll sales was included in outstandings in November. The total amount of Canada Savings Bonds being purchased on the payroll plan by federal government employees is included in outstandings in November.

Total securities and loans outstanding include a small amount of matured securities outstanding.

Effective 5 February 1997, data on Canada Savings Bonds outstanding have been combined with data on Canada RRSP Bonds outstanding under the heading Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments.

Effective May 2005, Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments now include Canada Investment Bonds (CIBs). As a result of this new inclusion, the data has been revised back to January 2003.

Effective September 1997, two new components, Canada Notes and Euro Medium- Term Notes (dating March 1996 and July 1997, respectively) were included with existing bond series.

Effective September 2016, the composition for Government of Canada accounts held at the Bank of Canada no longer includes holdings of a government entity as these securities are not held by the Bank of Canada.

Effective September 2017, U.S.-pay Canada bills is renamed Canada Bills issued in U.S. dollars.

Effective September 2017, Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments is renamed Retail debt.

  1. 1. Includes Overnight Repo and Term Repo Operations.[]
  2. 2. Includes Government of Canada Accounts held at the Bank of Canada, plus non-market bonds held by the Canada Pension Plan.[]
  3. 3. Effective September 2016, the composition for Government of Canada accounts held at the Bank of Canada no longer includes holdings of a government entity as these securities are not held by the Bank of Canada.[]