Chartered banks: Classification of non-mortgage loans (formerly C7)

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Canadian dollar loans

Quarter-end, Millions of dollarsCANSIM2023Q42024Q12024Q22024Q32024Q4
Loans to Canadian individuals for non-business purposesV37751609,700609,933621,765628,905635,782
To purchase (or carry) securities
Tax-sheltered plansV37760728917833835746
Market stocks and bondsV377595,3455,4595,7785,7716,086
To purchase consumer goods and other personal servicesV37752603,628603,557615,154622,299628,950
Private passenger vehiclesV3775592,72792,27595,89796,92697,591
Mobile homesV377563,1883,2166,1786,2036,088
Renovations of residential propertyV377573,1693,1673,2733,1933,086
Total excluding credit cardsV37754499,143500,641507,496512,160516,504
Credit cardsV37753104,485102,916107,658110,140112,446
Loans to other CanadiansV120573153506,076546,643628,794686,548678,643
Financial institutionsV12057315260,53267,40279,68586,61487,310
Deposit-taking institutionsV377483,3083,0603,4594,0873,884
Investment dealersV377498402,1489109681,020
Non-financial corporations and unincorporated businessesV37769420,582451,182516,549563,689552,804
Private businessesV37772414,933445,294509,520555,899544,813
Fishing and trappingV377851,5381,6481,7911,8071,864
Logging and forestryV377841,2251,4041,3931,3231,199
Mining, quarries, and oil wells
Oil and gasV377826,0446,1458,6999,5668,746
Food, beverage and tobaccoV377756,8138,01310,53411,65011,603
Leather, textile and apparelV37776805738774883713
Metal productsV377774,2824,3484,6434,7934,973
Transportation equipmentV377782,1372,6733,2293,2252,993
Petroleum productsV37779340164274193152
Construction / Real estate
Builders and developersV3779331,80841,41355,87367,04270,493
Real estateV3778758,90265,53279,41693,04796,061
Of which: Interim construction lendingV378035,8816,81525,97931,82232,903
Transportation, communication and other utilitiesV3779253,32153,98562,96466,24749,909
Wholesale tradeV3779122,39624,73927,29329,22029,343
Retail trade
Service industriesV3778887,39086,17679,97885,98287,744
Multi-product conglomeratesV377731,1651,3911,408244267
Of which: Unincorporated businessesV3779825,26027,67329,56933,11133,622
Government enterprisesV377955,6495,8877,0297,7907,991
Canadian governmentV377674,3394,8265,7026,3327,682
Loans to non-residentsV3776613,1485,8189,89811,02210,994
Leasing receivablesV3776519,12918,87018,81618,78018,839
Own acceptances purchasedV3776282,15681,28240,26200
Investment dealers subsidiariesV3776117,80515,59213,9139,63910,612
Reverse reposV37763287,357262,673272,108282,130274,434
Total Canadian dollar loansV377461,535,3711,540,8111,605,5581,637,0241,629,303
Of which: Loans made under Government of Canada guaranteed loans schemes
Small business loansV377991,9782,2012,2382,2852,192
Farm improvement loansV37800385395400400406
Canadian student loansV378011,3341,3911,3591,2791,369

Foreign currency loans

Quarter-end, Millions of dollarsCANSIM2023Q42024Q12024Q22024Q32024Q4
Loans to Canadian individuals for non-business purposesV1205731557,5898,1167,8117,8179,049
To purchase (or carry) securitiesV378322,9623,4573,4973,5264,304
Loans to other CanadiansV120573156119,540123,757127,671122,678132,495
Financial institutionsV3780625,16727,51728,47026,66728,262
Non-financial corporations and unincorporated businessesV12057315494,28496,19099,13695,956104,149
Private businessesV3781393,95595,80798,61095,598103,428
Fishing, trapping, logging, forestryV37818350390370413435
Mining, quarries, and oil wells
Oil and gasV378164,6365,2614,2414,1538,019
Metal productsV378283,9532,7773,0743,0003,182
Transportation equipmentV378292,8403,1703,0793,0333,105
Petroleum productsV378302,4461,9991,223896618
Construction / Real estate
Builders and developersV378258801,0271,2041,5651,868
Real estateV378206,53210,2109,0728,5504,795
Transportation, communication and other utilitiesV3782416,51814,71016,09216,46517,534
Wholesale tradeV378239,79210,64111,1399,89310,483
Retail tradeV378225,6322,6842,6722,1482,221
Service industriesV3782115,51514,93316,39515,07617,593
Multi-product conglomeratesV3781423831222538
Of which: Unincorporated businessesV378341,1681,1608718131,057
Government enterprisesV37807329383526358721
Canadian governmentV378108950655584
Loans to non-residentsV37809919,409929,064936,009919,772990,165
Reverse reposV37808801,277805,209752,245741,262827,608
All other loansV3780518,54119,82719,82220,33519,672
Total foreign currency loansV378041,866,3581,885,9721,843,5581,811,8631,978,991


Source: Bank of Canada, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

Federally-regulated credit unions and subsidiaries of non-bank financial institutions are excluded from the universe of chartered banks for the purposes of the Banking and Financial Statistics (BFS) tables. This treatment is consistent with the methodology used by Statistics Canada in their key economic and financial statistical programs (e.g., National Balance Sheet Accounts), which follows the NAICS framework.

Data cover chartered bank non-mortgage loans. The institutional sectors used for these data conform to the Statistics Canada definitions in the financial flow sector accounts. Data in this table are reported gross of allowance for impairment and will therefore differ from non-mortgage loans as presented in Chartered bank assets: Month-end (formerly C3). The detailed loan categories cover only non-mortgage loans to Canadian residents – loans to non-residents are shown separately in the table. Foreign currency loans have been converted into their Canadian dollar equivalents using the closing exchange rate prevailing on the last business day of the quarter.

The Canadian dollar portion of loans to Canadian individuals for non-business purposes generally conforms to the total personal loan series previously reported, except that loans are reported gross of allowance for impairment and also do not include loans to non-residents. Tax-sheltered plans include loans for registered savings plans such as RRSPs and RHOSPs. Marketable stocks and bonds are loans to individuals other than investment dealers and brokers which, when made, were fully secured by marketable stocks and bonds.

Loans to purchase consumer goods and other personal services include loans secured by marketable stocks and bonds that have been identified as being used to purchase consumer goods or services. Private passenger vehicles include all loans so identified whether or not they are secured by the purchased vehicle. Mobile homes include non-mortgage loans for all mobile homes as defined in the National Housing Act.

Credit cards include all outstanding balances under a credit card plan.

Deposit-taking financial institutions include Canadian chartered banks, Quebec savings banks, credit unions and caisses populaires, trust companies and mortgage loan companies. Other financial institutions include insurance companies, pension funds, consumer and business finance companies, investment companies, and public financial institutions.

Non-financial corporations and unincorporated businesses include all corporations, unincorporated businesses and unincorporated branches of foreign corporations operating in Canada (except financial institutions and government enterprises), and are classified using the 1980 Standard Industrial Classification published by Statistics Canada.

Agriculture includes agricultural industries as well as service industries incidental to agriculture, e.g., the veterinary and harvesting industries etc. Energy includes establishments primarily engaged in exploration and/or production of conventional petroleum and natural gas. Builders and developers include those engaged in either residential or non-residential building activities. Land developers are included under other construction. Multi-product conglomerates include those non-financial private corporations in which no one business constitutes more than 50 per cent of the corporation’s total activity. Unincorporated businesses include all businesses that are not incorporated under the law of Canada or a province and that are not unincorporated branches of foreign corporations.

Government enterprises include all Canadian and foreign public corporations in which a government holds at least 50 per cent of the voting stock and any subsidiaries of these companies. It also includes all governmental bodies that carry on a business and have their own borrowing authority.

Loans to institutions include loans to private non-profit institutions and to religious, health and educational institutions.

Loans to governments include loans to all governmental entities that do not carry on a business or do not have their own borrowing authority.

Loans to non-residents are loans to individuals, corporations or other organizations not ordinarily resident in Canada, but do not include lease financing receivables of non- residents or loans to and deposits with non-resident associated corporations, which are reported under leasing receivables.

Loans made under Government of Canada guaranteed loans schemes do not include funds advanced under the Small Business Development Bond or Small Business Bond programs, as these instruments are classified as securities on the books of the chartered banks.

Beginning December 1994, loans by securities subsidiaries exclude reverse repurchase agreements.

Beginning December 1994, loans to non-residents exclude reverse repurchase agreements.