An assessment of potential risks to the stability of Canada's financial system.
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Promoting a stable and efficient financial system.
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June 21, 2008
Financial System Review - June 2008
Although there has been some improvement in conditions over the past several weeks, strains in global credit markets have broadened since December.
Errata: Some factual errors in the June report "Bank of Canada Oversight Activities during 2007 under the Payment Clearing and Settlement Act" have been corrected. They concern (i) clarification of the U.S. Federal Reserve as lead overseer of CLS Bank and (ii) the steps taken by CDS on 14 August 2007 to assist issuers and participants holding defaulted ABCP.
Content Type(s):
Financial Stability Report
December 21, 2007
An Approach to Stress Testing the Canadian Mortgage Portfolio
Content Type(s):
Financial System Review articles
December 21, 2007
Developments in Processing Over-the-Counter Derivatives
Content Type(s):
Financial System Review articles