
Tamara Gomes is Senior Director in the Financial Stability Department. In this role, she provides strategic leadership for the Bank’s analyses and research on issues related to the financial sector in Canada and abroad as well as the assessment of risks to financial system stability.

Ms. Gomes joined the Bank in 2006 as an economist in the International Economic Analysis Department. Over the years, she has held increasingly senior positions in the Financial Stability Department and the Financial Markets Department. She is an expert in post-crisis banking regulation reforms and has represented the Bank on these issues in both domestic and international forums. Her expertise has led to roles at other organizations, including as a Member of Secretariat to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. Ms. Gomes has also served as the associate coordinator of the Bank’s Financial System Review.

Most recently, Ms. Gomes was the Chief of Staff to the Senior Deputy Governor, where she worked closely with senior management to provide advice on strategic policy issues to support the Banks’s objectives.

Born in Toronto, Ontario, Ms. Gomes holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and politics from Queen’s University and a master’s degree in international economics from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.

Staff analytical notes

Introducing the Bank of Canada’s Market Participants Survey

Staff Analytical Note 2023-1 Annick Demers, Tamara Gomes, Stephane Gignac
The Market Participants Survey (MPS) gathers financial market participants’ expectations for key macroeconomic and financial variables and for monetary policy. This staff analytical note describes the MPS’s objectives and main features, its process and design, and how Bank of Canada staff use the results.

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Staff discussion papers

Canada and the IMF: Trailblazer or Prodigal Son?

Staff Discussion Paper 2009-1 Michael Bordo, Lawrence L. Schembri, Tamara Gomes
Canada played an important role in the postwar establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), yet it was also the first major member to challenge the orthodoxy of the BrettonWoods par value system by abandoning it in 1950 in favour of a floating, market-determined exchange rate.

The Impact of Sovereign Wealth Funds on International Financial Stability

Staff Discussion Paper 2008-14 Tamara Gomes
Over the recent period, many emerging-market economies and commodity-exporting nations have experienced unprecedented growth and accumulated substantial amounts of foreign exchange reserves. The management of these foreign reserves has led to the emergence of important financial actors: sovereign wealth funds (SWFs).

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Bank publications

Financial System Review articles

November 28, 2017

Shoring Up the Foundations for a More Resilient Banking System: The Development of Basel III

The authors trace the development of the Basel III standards for banking regulation. Basel III builds on two earlier frameworks, in response to weaknesses revealed during the global financial crisis. They highlight how implementation of the standards will underpin greater financial stability and provide a sound foundation for economic growth.

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