Louis Phaneuf


Staff working papers

Technology Shocks and Business Cycles: The Role of Processing Stages and Nominal Rigidities

Staff Working Paper 2007-7 Louis Phaneuf, Nooman Rebei
This paper develops and estimates a dynamic general equilibrium model that realistically accounts for an input-output linkage between firms operating at different stages of processing. Firms face technological change which is specific to their processing stage and charge new prices according to stage-specific Calvo-probabilities.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Business fluctuations and cycles, Economic models JEL Code(s): E, E3, E32

Intertemporal Substitution in Macroeconomics: Evidence from a Two-Dimensional Labour Supply Model with Money

Staff Working Paper 2005-30 Ali Dib, Louis Phaneuf
The hypothesis of intertemporal substitution in labour supply has a history of empirical failure when confronted with aggregate time-series data.

The Macroeconomic Effects of Military Buildups in a New Neoclassical Synthesis Framework

Staff Working Paper 2003-12 Alain Paquet, Louis Phaneuf, Nooman Rebei
The authors study the macroeconomic consequences of large military buildups using a New Neoclassical Synthesis (NNS) approach that combines nominal rigidities within imperfectly competitive goods and labour markets. They show that the predictions of the NNS framework generally are consistent with the sign, timing, and magnitude of how hours worked, after-tax real wages, and output actually respond to an upsurge in military purchases.

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