Gino Cateau
Senior Policy Director
- PhD., (Economics), University of Chicago (2004)
- MSc., (Econometrics and Mathematical Economics), London School of Economics (1999)
- BSc., (Econometrics and Mathematical Economics), London School of Economics (1995)
Gino Cateau became a Senior Policy Director in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department (CEA), effective May 13, 2024. In this capacity, he is a member of the department’s senior management team, providing leadership and strategic direction to CEA, and helping oversee analysis, modelling and research on the Canadian economy and monetary policy.
Gino joined the Bank in 2004 as a Senior Analyst with the Canadian Economic Analysis Department and has since held increasingly senior positions across various departments. He has worked on the assessment of household vulnerabilities, developed macroeconomic models with financial linkages to analyze the interaction between monetary and macroprudential policy, analyzed the implications of uncertainty on monetary policy decisions, and the design of robust policy and projection frameworks.
Born in Mauritius, Gino has a BSc and MSc in econometrics and mathematical economics from the London School of Economics, and a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago.
Staff working papers
A Policy Model to Analyze Macroprudential Regulations and Monetary Policy
Adopting Price-Level Targeting under Imperfect Credibility in ToTEM
Optimal Policy under Commitment and Price Level Stationarity
Price Level versus Inflation Targeting under Model Uncertainty
Guarding Against Large Policy Errors under Model Uncertainty
Monetary Policy under Model and Data-Parameter Uncertainty
Bank publications
Bank of Canada Review articles
Monetary Policy Rules in an Uncertain Environment
Financial System Review articles
Indebted Households and Potential Vulnerabilities for the Canadian Financial System: A Microdata Analysis
Journal publications
- "Limited Commitment, Endogenous Credibility and the Challenges of Price-level Targeting"
(with Malik Shukayev) Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 55(4), 1834-61, 2022. - "Monetary Policy under Model and Data-Parameter Uncertainty"
Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 54(7), pp 2083-2101, October 2007. - "Price Level versus Inflation Targeting under Model Uncertainty"
Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 50(2), May 2017 (Harry Johnson award for best paper published in CJE in 2017). - "A policy model to analyze macroprudential regulations and monetary policy"
(with Sami Alpanda and Césaire Meh), Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 51(3), August 2018.