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March 29, 2023

Speech: 21st National Bank Financial Services Conference

Market liquidity measures taken during COVID — Deputy Governor Toni Gravelle speaks before the 21st National Bank Financial Services Conference (12:45 (ET) approx.).

March 29, 2023

Lessons from our support of financial markets in tough times

Speech summary Toni Gravelle National Bank Financial Services Conference Montréal, Quebec
Deputy Governor Toni Gravelle talks about how the Bank of Canada supported markets during the COVID-19 pandemic and what we might do differently in the future. He also discusses recent turmoil in the banking system in the United States and overseas.
March 29, 2023

The Bank of Canada’s market liquidity programs: Lessons from a pandemic

Remarks Toni Gravelle National Bank Financial Services Conference Montréal, Quebec
Deputy Governor Toni Gravelle speaks about market liquidity measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic, and addresses recent turmoil in the US and international banking sectors.
March 9, 2023

Media Availability: Manitoba Chambers of Commerce

Economic Progress Report — Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers takes questions from reporters following her remarks (15:10 (ET) approx.).

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