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May 27, 2005

70 Years of Central Banking in Canada

Remarks David Dodge Canadian Economics Association Hamilton, Ontario
The Bank opened its doors on 11 March 1935, at the height of the Great Depression, and immediately faced enormous challenges. In meeting those challenges, the new Bank of Canada drew on the experience of other, established central banks. It received valuable guidance in functions such as the issuance of bank notes, managing foreign exchange reserves, and promoting financial stability.
April 20, 2005

Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce

Opening statement David Dodge Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
Last Thursday, we released our April Monetary Policy Report. In the report, we said that the global economy has been unfolding largely as expected, and the outlook for the Canadian economy is essentially unchanged from that in January's Monetary Policy Report Update.
April 15, 2005

How Canada is Adjusting to Global Economic Forces

Remarks David Dodge Canadian Association of New York New York, New York
The Bank of Canada has been examining the issue of how the Canadian economy adjusts movements in the exchange rate for a long time. Canada's economy is very open, so we always need to understand how exchange rate movements are affecting real economic activity and, in turn, what the implications are for monetary policy.
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