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August 27, 2007

The Bank of Canada's Research Agenda and the Future of Inflation Targeting

Remarks Pierre Duguay Canadian Association for Business Economics Kingston, Ontario
The last few weeks have been a time of turbulence in financial markets. In times such as these, it is common for people to focus on day-by-day or even hour-by-hour events, and to lose sight of the future. But tonight, I want to focus on the future; specifically, the future of inflation targeting in Canada.
June 13, 2007

Demographics, Labour Input, and Economic Potential: Implications for Monetary Policy

Remarks David Dodge St. John's Board of Trade St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Over the years, we at the Bank of Canada have learned that the best contribution that monetary policy can make to the economic welfare of Canadians is to keep inflation low, stable, and predictable. We try to keep the annual increase in consumer price inflation at 2 per cent, which is the middle of a 1 to 3 per cent inflation-control range.
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