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October 18, 2007
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
Opening statement
David Dodge
Since the July Monetary Policy Report Update, and against a backdrop of robust global economic expansion and strong commodity prices, the Canadian economy has been stronger than projected. It is now operating further above its production potential than had been previously expected.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
Opening statements
October 3, 2007
Liquidity, Liquidity, Liquidity
Sound financial investment is important to individuals, to firms, and to society as a whole. By definition, investment is forward looking, and thus our future financial well-being is shaped by the soundness of the investment decisions we make today.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
September 25, 2007
Turbulence in Credit Markets: Causes, Effects, and Lessons To Be Learned
The turbulence in financial markets did not come about against a backdrop of economic weakness. Indeed, over the past number of years, the global economy has shown remarkable strength. We were also seeing encouraging signs of growth being spread more evenly.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
September 12, 2007
A Clear Case for Transparency
We have seen a remarkable continuation of robust global growth, fuelled by increases in international trade and facilitated by the continuing evolution and expansion of capital markets. Domestic demand began to grow more strongly in Europe and Asia and to slow in the United States, and this began to ease some of the concerns related to global imbalances that I spoke about during my last visit.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,