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January 30, 2008

Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology

Opening statement Paul Jenkins House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology
To begin, as a little background I would like to quickly review the framework within which we conduct Canada's monetary policy. The Bank of Canada Act calls on us to mitigate "fluctuations in the general level of production, trade, prices and employment, so far as may be possible within the scope of monetary action, and generally to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada."
December 10, 2007

Reflections on Developments in the Canadian Financial System

Remarks David Dodge Canadian Club of Toronto and the Empire Club of Canada Toronto, Ontario
It has become a tradition that I deliver a speech late in the year on issues related to the financial system. When I say "financial system," I mean financial institutions and markets, together with the clearing and settlement systems through which financial assets flow.
December 6, 2007

Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce

Opening statement David Dodge Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
In Canada, we were looking for weaker economic growth in the fourth quarter of this year and the first half of 2008, but some strengthening thereafter. As you can see from Table 2, we were expecting continued strong final domestic demand throughout the projection period, but considerably weaker net exports.
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