April 24, 2008
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April 10, 2008
Credit Markets, Financial Stability, and Monetary Policy
Today, I'd like to discuss some of the crucial issues that we have been dealing with during this period. I'll begin with a brief overview of some key events that have led to the turbulence that continues to upset financial markets and that greatly contributed to the remarkably wide credit spreads that we now witness.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
April 2, 2008
Trends and Challenges in the Global Economy and What They Mean for Canada and Ontario
As is the case for so many cities and regions in Canada, London's economy and that of southwestern Ontario are directly affected by changes in the global economy. And, as with so many things in life, the better we understand the forces of change, the better equipped we are to deal with them.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
March 13, 2008
Addressing Financial Market Turbulence
Since last summer, many of us here today have been preoccupied with the ongoing dislocations in financial markets. What began in securities linked to U.S. subprime mortgages has spread to a broad range of structured assets, conventional credit markets, and, to a lesser extent, equities.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
March 12, 2008
Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
Let me start by saying that the issue of internal trade barriers is critically important, and I'm very pleased, Mr. Chairman, that your committee is examining it. We have reviewed previous submissions to this committee, and you will see that our focus will be slightly different.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
Opening statements