May 6, 2010
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April 29, 2010
Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
Opening statement
Mark Carney
Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
Ottawa, Ontario
Good morning, Mr. Chairman and committee members. I am pleased to appear before this committee today to discuss the Bank of Canada’s views on the economy and our monetary policy stance.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
Opening statements
April 27, 2010
Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and committee members. I am pleased to appear before this committee today to discuss the Bank of Canada’s views on the economy and our monetary policy stance.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
Opening statements
April 22, 2010
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
Good Morning. I am pleased to be here with you today to discuss the April Monetary Policy Report, which the Bank published this morning.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
Opening statements
April 7, 2010
Banking on a Better System: Lessons from Canada
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,