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September 21, 2015

Calgary Economic Development - Speech (Audio)

Riding the Commodity Cycle: Resources and the Canadian Economy - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, speaks before the Calgary Economic Development. (14:45 (ET) approx.)

September 21, 2015

Riding the Commodity Cycle: Resources and the Canadian Economy

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Calgary Economic Development Calgary, Alberta
Governor Poloz speaks about cycles in commodity prices and how Canada has used its endowment of natural resources to build a prosperous economy.
September 21, 2015

Calgary Economic Development - Speech (Video)

Riding the Commodity Cycle: Resources and the Canadian Economy - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, speaks before the Calgary Economic Development. (14:45 (ET) approx.)

August 25, 2015

Canadian Association for Business Economics - Speech (Video)

The Long-Term Evolution of House Prices: An International Perspective - Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri speaks at the CABE Moneco-Econtro Summer Conference organized by the Canadian Association for Business Economics. (12:40 (ET) approx.)

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