Speeches and appearances

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April 4, 2016

Roberta Bondar Public School – Event (Video)

The Governor and Senior Deputy Governor speak to the students of Roberta Bondar Public School and École élémentaire publique Gabrielle-Roy about the public consultation to select a Canadian woman to be featured on a bank note (10:00 (ET) approx.).
March 30, 2016

Edmonton Chamber of Commerce - Speech (Audio)

Adjusting to the Fall in Commodity Prices: One Step at a Time - Deputy Governor Lynn Patterson speaks before the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce (14:35 (ET) approx.)

March 30, 2016

Edmonton Chamber of Commerce - Speech (Video)

Adjusting to the Fall in Commodity Prices: One Step at a Time - Deputy Governor Lynn Patterson speaks before the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce (14:35 (ET) approx.)

March 30, 2016

Adjusting to the Fall in Commodity Prices: One Step at a Time

Remarks Lynn Patterson Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Edmonton, Alberta
Deputy Governor Lynn Patterson discusses how the Canadian economy is adjusting to the fall in commodity prices.
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