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December 9, 2021

Keeping our eyes on inflation

Speech summary Toni Gravelle Surrey Board of Trade Surrey, British Columbia
Deputy Governor Toni Gravelle talks about the Bank of Canada’s decision yesterday to leave the policy rate unchanged. He explains the link between supply bottlenecks and high inflation and why the Bank thinks both will ease over time.
November 16, 2021

Measuring changes to the labour market

Speech summary Lawrence L. Schembri Canadian Association for Business Economics Toronto, Ontario
Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses how the Canadian labour market has changed during the pandemic. He explains why better tools to measure the health of the job market will help the Bank of Canada set monetary policy that supports the recovery.
September 9, 2021

Monetary policy as the recovery progresses

Speech summary Tiff Macklem Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec Montréal, Quebec
Governor Tiff Macklem talks about the Bank of Canada’s decision yesterday to leave the policy rate unchanged. He also talks about how the Bank could adjust monetary policy once the economy needs less support.
June 10, 2021

Going digital has helped the economy through COVID-19

Speech summary Timothy Lane Western Canadian Chapters of Advocis Edmonton, Alberta, Vancouver, British Columbia, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Deputy Governor Timothy Lane talks about the Bank’s decision yesterday to leave the policy rate unchanged. He also discusses how adopting digital technologies supported resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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