November 17, 2003
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November 3, 2003
On Economic Education
David Dodge
David Dodge Tribute Dinner hosted by the Canadian Foundation of Economic Education
Toronto, Ontario
The program this evening focuses on the value of public service and the importance of economic and financial literacy for the well-being of Canadians. These two themes have special significance for me, as my career has involved time spent in the public service as well as teaching.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
October 29, 2003
Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge corrects a misstatement
Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge corrects a misstatement he made in responding to a question yesterday relating to what he heard at the G-20 meeting about U.S. growth and how it might affect Bank of Canada projections.
Content Type(s):
Press releases
October 23, 2003
Opening Statement before the Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee
The last time that I appeared before this committee was after the release of our April Report. Since then, our economy has been hit by a number of unusual shocks. Because of these shocks and other factors, growth has been weaker than expected. We now estimate that there is more slack in the economy than we had projected in April.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
Opening statements
October 22, 2003
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
Opening statement
David Dodge
Since our April Report, the Canadian economy has been hit by a number of unusual shocks: SARS, BSE, the Ontario electricity blackout, and the severe forest fires in British Columbia. Inflation has also fallen faster and further than expected.
Content Type(s):
Speeches and appearances,
Opening statements