Issue Ceremony of the New $20 Polymer Bank Note (Video)

Release of the $20 Bank Note - The Bank of Canada will begin circulating the new $20 bill, Canada’s most widely used bank note, on Wednesday, 7 November 2012. A ceremony to officially issue the new $20 note, which pays tribute to the contributions and sacrifices of Canadian men and women in all military conflicts, and features the Canadian National Vimy Memorial on the back of the note, will be held at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

Other Format

November 7, 2012

Issue Ceremony of the New $20 Polymer Bank Note (Audio)

Release of the $20 Bank Note - The Bank of Canada will begin circulating the new $20 bill, Canada’s most widely used bank note, on Wednesday, 7 November 2012. A ceremony to officially issue the new $20 note, which pays tribute to the contributions and sacrifices of Canadian men and women in all military conflicts, and features the Canadian National Vimy Memorial on the back of the note, will be held at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

Related Information

November 7, 2012

Bank of Canada Issues $20 Polymer Bank Note

The Bank of Canada today announced the entry into circulation of the new $20 polymer bank notes, during an official ceremony at the Canadian War Museum. Starting today, these new notes will gradually become available at financial institutions across Canada. Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney was joined at the event by Minister of Finance […]
Content Type(s): Press, Press releases Research Topic(s): Bank notes