Term repos

Program details

The term repo operations, where assets are acquired temporarily through the secondary market, are conducted to manage the Bank’s balance sheet and to promote the orderly functioning of Canadian financial markets.

For operational details, see the full terms and conditions for this program.

Preliminary quarterly schedule

Auction type Operation date Settlement date Term (days) Maturity date
Regular 2025-03-05 2025-03-06 28 2025-04-03
Regular 2025-03-19 2025-03-20 28 2025-04-17
Regular 2025-03-19 2025-03-20 84 2025-06-12

Note: Term repo operations will generally take place on a bi-weekly basis. Preliminary Call for Tenders will be released one week prior to the operation date and will include the preliminary operation amount(s). Final Call for Tenders will be released 15 minutes prior to the operation deadline.


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Upcoming operations

Details for the next operation will be provided in this table one week prior to the operation date.

Auction type Offered amount ($M) Operation date Settlement date Term (days) Maturity date Status Minimum bid rate
Regular 2,000 2025-03-05 2025-03-06 28 2025-04-03 Preliminary CFT -


Results will be updated in this table shortly after each operation.

Auction type Offered amount ($M) Allocated amount ($M) Operation date Settlement date Term (days) Maturity date Low rate Average rate High rate


The Bank’s aggregate amount of securities purchased under resale agreement and holdings of Government of Canada bonds and treasury bills are updated every Friday on the Bank’s weekly balance sheet.

Key contacts

Financial Markets Department

Financial Markets Department

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