Staff working papers
The New Keynesian Hybrid Phillips Curve: An Assessment of Competing Specifications for the United States
Inflation forecasting is fundamental to monetary policy. In practice, however, economists are faced with competing goals: accuracy and theoretical consistency. -
The New Basel Capital Accord and the Cyclical Behaviour of Bank Capital
The authors conduct a counterfactual simulation of the proposed rules under the new Basel Capital Accord (Basel II), including the revised treatment of expected and unexpected credit losses proposed by the Basel Committee in October 2003. -
Uninsurable Investment Risks
The authors study a general-equilibrium economy in which agents have the ability to invest in a risky technology. -
Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Canada: Some Interesting Principles for EMU?
Choosing a well-designed framework for fiscal and monetary policies is a challenge for economic authorities. -
Financial Market Imperfection, Overinvestment, and Speculative Precaution
The author uses panel data to assess the sensitivity of investment to cash flow in non-financial firms, taking into account the role their financial health plays in investment decisions. -
Regulatory Changes and Financial Structure: The Case of Canada
The author documents some stylized facts about the Canadian financial structure. He explores these empirical facts in the context of Canadian financial legislation and finds that, over the 1990s, Canadian businesses became more heavily dependent on financial markets as their primary source of external funding. -
Money Demand and Economic Uncertainty
The author examines the impact of economic uncertainty on the demand for money. -
Competition in Banking: A Review of the Literature
The author reviews the theoretical and empirical literature to examine the traditional perception that the following trade-off exists between economic efficiency and stability in the banking system: a competitive banking system is more efficient and therefore important to growth, but market power is necessary for stability in the banking system. -
Convergence of Government Bond Yields in the Euro Zone: The Role of Policy Harmonization
Since the early 1980s, long-term government bond yields in the euro zone have declined, in line with those in other industrialized countries.