October 24, 2012
Monetary Policy Report – October 2012
The Bank projects that the economy will grow by 2.2 per cent in 2012, 2.3 per cent in 2013 and 2.4 per cent in 2014. The economy is expected to return to full capacity by the end of 2013. -
October 15, 2012
Business Outlook Survey - Autumn 2012
The results of the autumn survey suggest that, in an environment of slow global economic growth and uncertainty about demand, firms have tem¬pered their expectations for business activity. -
October 15, 2012
Senior Loan Officer Survey - Third-Quarter 2012
The survey results point to a continued easing in overall business-lending conditions during the third quarter of 2012. -
September 27, 2012
Banking and Financial Statistics - September 2012
Erratum: A note to the tables for C1-10 was erroneously included on pg. S127 in the September 2012 publication of the Banking and Financial Statistics package. Although the note states that deposits of the chartered banks increased by $2.8 billion due to B2B Trust (a wholly owned subsidiary of Laurentian Bank) acquisition of AGF Trust, the actual data in the tables does not reflect this adjustment due to the timing of the BFS publication and the actual database updates. This note will be re-introduced in the October release of the BFS when August data is made available.