Deputy Governor Rhys Mendes discusses how monetary policy worked to bring inflation back down to target and why the Bank wants inflation to stay close to 2%.
RemarksTiff MacklemNational Bureau of Economic Research, Economics of Artificial Intelligence ConferenceToronto, Ontario
Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem discusses how artificial intelligence could impact the economy, and outlines some of the implications for monetary policy.
Governor Tiff Macklem explains why Canada’s labour market has had a fairly smooth adjustment to slowing economic growth. He also discusses Canada’s labour market advantages and the challenge of improving productivity growth and investment.
Deputy Governor Sharon Kozicki discusses the use of exceptional monetary policy tools during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the Bank’s commitment to transparency and accountability.
Ron Morrow, Executive Director of Payments, Supervision and Oversight, talks about the evolution of payments in Canada, as well as the Bank’s new supervisory role for payment service providers.
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers explains how higher productivity can protect the economy from future bouts of inflation and why fixing Canada's productivity problem should be a priority for all Canadians.