June 22, 2011
Opening statements
April 13, 2011
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
As anticipated in January, the global economic recovery is becoming more firmly entrenched and is expected to continue at a steady pace. In the United States, growth is solidifying, although consolidation of household and ultimately government balance sheets will limit the pace of the expansion. -
January 19, 2011
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
The global economic recovery is proceeding at a somewhat faster pace than the Bank had anticipated, although risks remain elevated. Private domestic demand in the United States has picked up and will be reinforced by recently announced monetary and fiscal stimulus. -
October 27, 2010
Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
We are pleased to appear before this committee today to discuss the Bank of Canada’s views on the economy and our monetary policy stance. Before I take your questions, I would like to give you some of the highlights from our latest Monetary Policy Report, which was released last week. -
October 26, 2010
Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
We are pleased to appear before this committee today to discuss the Bank of Canada’s views on the economy and our monetary policy stance. Before I take your questions, I would like to give you some of the highlights from our latest Monetary Policy Report, which was released last week. -
October 20, 2010
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
The global economic recovery is entering a new phase. In advanced economies, temporary factors supporting growth in 2010, such as the inventory cycle and pent-up demand, have largely run their course and fiscal stimulus will shift to fiscal consolidation over the projection horizon. -
July 22, 2010
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
The global economic recovery is proceeding but is not yet self-sustaining. A greater emphasis on balance sheet repair by households, banks, and governments in a number of advanced economies is expected to temper the pace of global growth relative to the Bank’s outlook in April. -
May 26, 2010
Senate Committee on National Finance
At year-end 2009, there were 1.8 billion bank notes in circulation, with a total value of $55.5 billion – approximately $1,630 per Canadian. The Bank of Canada is not responsible for coins. Decisions on coinage rest with the federal government, in particular, the Department of Finance, and with the Royal Canadian Mint. -
April 29, 2010
Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
Good morning, Mr. Chairman and committee members. I am pleased to appear before this committee today to discuss the Bank of Canada’s views on the economy and our monetary policy stance. -
April 27, 2010
Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and committee members. I am pleased to appear before this committee today to discuss the Bank of Canada’s views on the economy and our monetary policy stance.