The Bank of Canada is keenly interested in productivity - for a number of reasons. Productivity gains are a key determinant of growth in potential output and, hence, of Canada's sustainable pace of non-inflationary economic expansion.
The Bank of Canada today released its 2007 schedule of eight dates for announcing decisions on its key policy interest rate, and confirmed the announcement dates for the remainder of this year.
Canada and Brazil both rely on international trade and foreign investment for economic growth, and both are major producers of commodities. Because we share these attributes, we also share a keen interest in the health of the global economy.
Canada and Chile both rely heavily on international trade and foreign investment for economic growth, and are both major producers of commodities. Because we share these attributes, we also share a keen interest in the health of the global economy.
The strong global growth of recent years is beginning to slow to a more sustainable pace and the right economic policies can help the process unfold smoothly, Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge said in a speech today to the Chile-Canada Chamber of Commerce.
Overall, the Bank's outlook for growth and inflation in Canada is largely unchanged from that in its April Monetary Policy Report (MPR). Growth in the first half of 2006 appears to have been a little stronger than projected, and the Canadian dollar has traded in a higher range than was envisaged in the April MPR.
The Bank of Canada today released its July Monetary Policy Report Update, which discusses current economic and financial trends in the context of Canada's inflation-control strategy.