October 6, 2016The Canadian economy is undergoing important, complex adjustments following the drop in oil prices over the past two years and in the context of the longer trends of population aging and modest productivity growth, Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins said today.
October 6, 2016
Economic Trends and Monetary Policy
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins talks about the major trends of the Canadian economy and how they affect monetary policy. -
September 28, 2016
Bank of Canada Calls for Nominations for the 2017 Fellowship and Governor’s Awards
The Bank of Canada is calling for nominations under its Fellowship Program for 2017. This program provides monetary awards to foster excellence in economic and financial research in Canada, and supports the Bank’s development of partnerships with leading experts. -
September 26, 2016
Paul Storer Memorial Lecture - Speech (Webcasts)
Cross-Border Trade Integration and Monetary Policy - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, delivers the Western Washington University (WWU) Paul Storer Memorial Lecture, hosted by WWU’s Border Policy Research Institute and Center for International Business (19:10 (ET) approx.)
September 26, 2016
Integrating economies through trade affects monetary policy, Governor Poloz says
In the first annual Paul Storer Memorial Lecture on Canada–US relations, given at Western Washington University, Governor Poloz said that the evolution of international trade practices, such as building global value chains and establishing foreign affiliates, suggests that economies are becoming more integrated. -
September 26, 2016
Cross-Border Trade Integration and Monetary Policy
Governor Stephen S. Poloz discusses global trade integration and the implications for the conduct of monetary policy. -
September 20, 2016
Association des économistes québécois, the Cercle finance du Québec and CFA Québec - Press Conference (Webcasts)
Living with lower for longer - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, speaks before the Association des économistes québécois, the Cercle finance du Québec and CFA Québec (12:50 (ET) approx.) and Press conference (14:15 (ET) approx.)
September 20, 2016
Association des économistes québécois, the Cercle finance du Québec and CFA Québec - Speech (Webcasts)
Living with lower for longer - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, speaks before the Association des économistes québécois, the Cercle finance du Québec and CFA Québec (12:50 (ET) approx.) and Press conference (14:15 (ET) approx.)
September 20, 2016
Lower-for-longer interest rates require adjustments, Governor Poloz says
Canadians need to understand the forces that have led to a prolonged period of low interest rates and make adjustments, Bank of Canada Governor Stephen S. Poloz said. -
September 20, 2016
Living with Lower for Longer
Governor Stephen S. Poloz talks about the adjustments that savers and companies need to make in response to low interest rates, and economic policies that can help.