October 1, 2008
Market Notices
September 30, 2008
Bank of Canada to Sell Treasury Bills for Balance Sheet Management Purposes
The Bank of Canada announced today it will sell $4.0 billion of its holdings of treasury bills. -
September 30, 2008
Bank of Canada Announces Details of its 28 Day Term PRA Transaction
In light of increased pressures in term lending markets, the Bank of Canada announced today that it will enter into a 28-day Purchase and Resale Agreement (PRA) transaction as follows: -
September 29, 2008
Bank of Canada Announces Expansion of the Swap Facility with U.S. Federal Reserve as part of Coordinated Central Bank Actions
In response to continued strains in short-term funding markets, central banks today are announcing further coordinated actions to expand significantly the capacity to provide U.S. dollar liquidity. -
September 25, 2008
Bank of Canada Announces Term PRA Transactions
In light of ongoing pressures in term lending markets, the Bank of Canada will provide additional liquidity through term Purchase and Resale Agreements (term PRAs) according to the following schedule: -
September 24, 2008
Results of the 24 September 2008 Term PRA Transaction
Results of today's term PRA operations. -
September 23, 2008
Bank of Canada Announces Term PRA Transactions
As part of its provision of liquidity in support of the efficient functioning of financial markets, the Bank of Canada announced today that it will enter into the following 84-day and 27-day term Purchase and Resale Agreements (term PRA) against an expanded listed of eligible securities:1 -
September 19, 2008
Results of the 19 September 2008 Term PRA Transaction
Results of today's term PRA operations. -
September 18, 2008
Bank of Canada Announces Term PRA Transaction
As part of its provision of liquidity in support of the efficient functioning of financial markets, the Bank of Canada announced today that it will enter into a 28-day term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) as follows: -
September 18, 2008
Bank of Canada Announces Swap Facility with U.S. Federal Reserve as part of Coordinated Central Bank Actions
Today, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank (ECB), the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank are announcing coordinated measures designed to address the continued elevated pressures in U.S. dollar short-term funding markets.