May 26, 1999
May 19, 1999
Monetary Policy Report – May 1999
Six months ago, at the time of the last Monetary Policy Report, the global economic and financial environment was volatile and highly uncertain because of the adverse situation in Asia and the fallout from the Russian debt moratorium. -
May 19, 1999
Release of the Monetary Policy Report
This morning we released our ninth Monetary Policy Report. The economic and financial situation is much improved since our previous Report in November. Financial markets have steadied in Southeast Asia, and prospects are good for a gradual recovery there. In Brazil, the authorities have taken major steps to address their difficulties. Overall, global financial markets […] -
May 4, 1999
Global financial turbulence and the Canadian economy
The world economy and Canada have had to navigate some difficult straits in the past couple of years. But we have made it through. And considering the tide from the Asian financial crisis that washed around the world, the Canadian economy has coped better this time around than in the past. -
May 4, 1999
Bank Rate Lowered by ¼ Percentage Point to 4¾ Per Cent
The Bank of Canada today lowered its Bank Rate by ¼ of one per cent to 4¾ per cent. -
April 20, 1999
Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
Since we have recently tabled the Bank of Canada’s Annual Report in Parliament, I would also be happy to answer any questions you may have about our stewardship of the Bank. -
Real Effects of Collapsing Exchange Rate Regimes: An Application to Mexico
This paper examines the impact of a collapsing exchange rate regime on output in an open economy in which shocks to capital flows and exports predominate. A sticky-price rational expectations model is used to compare the variability of output under the collapsing regime to that under alternative fixed and flexible regimes. Output is found to […] -
Inflation Targeting under Uncertainty
This paper studies the implications of certain kinds of uncertainty for monetary policy. It first describes the optimum policy rule in a simple model of the transmission mechanism as in Ball and Svensson. -
March 31, 1999
Bank Rate Lowered by ¼ Percentage Point to 5 Per Cent
The Bank of Canada today lowered its Bank Rate by ¼ of one per cent to 5 per cent. The associated operating band for overnight interest rates was similarly reduced. -
March 22, 1999
Financial sector reform, the economy, and monetary policy
I am delighted to be with you this evening to celebrate the 35th annual meeting of the Mennonite Savings and Credit Union. On this occasion, I propose to speak about the Canadian economy and monetary policy. But given this audience, I thought I might start with some remarks on the future of the Canadian financial sector - a subject that has certainly grabbed its share of headlines over the past year!