The Prime Minister announced today that Tiff Macklem, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada, has been appointed Associate Deputy Minister of Finance, effective 1 November.
Overall, businesses continue to be positive about the economic outlook, notwithstanding lower expectations for U.S. economic growth and recent financial market turbulence.
The Directors of the Bank of Canada appointed under Section 9 of the Bank of Canada Act today announced that they have appointed Mark Carney as Governor of the Bank of Canada for a seven-year term, effective 1 February 2008.
Freeman (1999) proposes a model in which discount window lending and open market operations have different effects. This is important because in most of the literature, these policies are indistinguishable.
Sound financial investment is important to individuals, to firms, and to society as a whole. By definition, investment is forward looking, and thus our future financial well-being is shaped by the soundness of the investment decisions we make today.
The turbulence in financial markets did not come about against a backdrop of economic weakness. Indeed, over the past number of years, the global economy has shown remarkable strength. We were also seeing encouraging signs of growth being spread more evenly.
We have seen a remarkable continuation of robust global growth, fuelled by increases in international trade and facilitated by the continuing evolution and expansion of capital markets. Domestic demand began to grow more strongly in Europe and Asia and to slow in the United States, and this began to ease some of the concerns related to global imbalances that I spoke about during my last visit.
The Bank of Canada, the Durham District School Board, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ontario Provincial Police and the Sûreté du Québec are joining forces to promote the new Counterfeit Detection module, a free ready-to-teach kit available to high schools across the country.
The Bank of Canada's version of the Global Economy Model (BoC-GEM) is derived from the model created at the International Monetary Fund by Douglas Laxton (IMF) and Paolo Pesenti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York and National Bureau of Economic Research).