In accordance with the schedule of term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) auctions for private sector instruments announced on 21 July (see schedule), the Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a term PRA operation for private sector instruments as follows.
In accordance with the schedule of Term Loan Facility (TLF) auctions announced on 21 July (see schedule), the Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a TLF operation.
In accordance with the schedule of term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) auctions announced on 21 July (see schedule), the Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a term PRA operation as follows.
The Bank's mandate is to promote Canada's economic and financial well-being. Clearly, this is an important mandate, and we are determined to demonstrate excellence as we work to fulfill it.
Reflecting the improved conditions in funding markets, as evidenced by lower market-based funding costs and the lack of coverage in recent auctions for temporary liquidity facilities, the Bank of Canada is announcing that the following facilities will expire at the end of October 2009.
In accordance with the schedule of term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) auctions for private sector instruments announced on 21 July (see schedule), the Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a term PRA operation for private sector instruments as follows.