Demographics and the Demand for Currency
I use data from the Bank of Canada’s Bank Note Distribution System and exploit a natural experiment offered by the timing of Easter in the Gregorian calendar to analyze the effects of demographic change for currency demand. -
Addressing Household Indebtedness: Monetary, Fiscal or Macroprudential Policy?
In this paper, we build a dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium model with housing and household debt, and compare the effectiveness of monetary policy, housing-related fiscal policy, and macroprudential regulations in reducing household indebtedness. -
December 19, 2014
Results of the 19 December 2014 Term Repo Operation for Balance Sheet Management Purposes
Results of today's term repo for balance sheet management purposes operation. -
December 18, 2014
Bank of Canada Announces Details of a Term Repo for Balance Sheet Management Purposes Operation
The Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a Term Repo for Balance Sheet Management Purposes operation. -
December 16, 2014
Bank of Canada publishes results of consultation on bank note design principles
The Bank of Canada today published a summary of the comments it received in an online consultation on the principles guiding the design of the country’s bank notes. -
International Spillovers of Policy Uncertainty
Using the Baker et al. (2013) index of policy uncertainty for six developed countries, this paper estimates spillovers of policy uncertainty. We find that spillovers account for slightly more than one-fourth of the dynamics of policy uncertainty in these countries, with this share rising to one-half during the financial crisis. -
December 15, 2014
Principles for Bank Note Design Consultation Data Analysis
This report summarises the input received from Canadians about the Bank’s principles for bank note design.