Electronic Money and Payments

Welcome and Opening Remarks

by Stephen S. Poloz

Session 1: Money and E-Money

Chair: Grahame Johnson

Money Is More than Memory

Authors: Maria Bigoni, Gabriele Camera (presenter) and Marco Casari
Discussant: John Duffy

On the Essentiality of E-Money

Authors: Jonathan Chiu and Tsz-Nga Wong (presenter)
Discussant: Charles Kahn

John Kuszczak Memorial Lecture

Chair: Lawrence Schembri

Keynote Address: Kenneth Rogoff

Session 2: Adoption

Chair: Scott Hendry

Consumer Payment Preferences, Network Externalities and Merchant Card Acceptance: An Empirical Investigation

Authors: David Bounie (presenter), Abel François and Leo Van Hove
Discussant: Jennifer Brown

Network Economies and Innovations: Lessons from the Transition to Check 21

Authors: Paul Bauer and Geoffrey Gerdes (presenter)
Discussant: Andrew Ching

Session 3: Digital Currency (1)

Chair: Stephen Murchison

On the Value of Virtual Currencies

Authors: Maarten van Oordt (presenter) and Wilko Bolt
Discussant: Rodney Garratt

Adoption and Use of Virtual Currencies by U.S. Consumers

Authors: Scott Schuh (presenter) and Oz Shy
Discussant: Hanna Halaburda

Session 4: Digital Currency (2)

Chair: Timothy Lane

A Bitcoin Standard: Lessons from the Gold Standard

Author/presenter: Warren Weber
Discussant: Michael Bordo

The Macroeconomics of Central Bank-Issued Digital Currency

Authors: John Barrdear (presenter) and Michael Kumhof
Discussant: Amy Sun

Session 5: Do We Still Need Cash?

Chair: Richard Wall

Cash Management in Village Thailand: Positive and Normative Implications

Authors: Fernando Alvarez, Anan Pawasutipaisit, and Robert Townsend (presenter)
Discussant: Victor Aquirregabiria

The Role of Card Acceptance in the Transaction Demand for Money

Authors: Kim Huynh (presenter), Philipp Schmidt-Dengler and Helmut Stix
Discussant: Francisco Ruge-Murcia

Panel Discussion

Chair: Richard Wall

Moderator: Carolyn Wilkins

Panelists: David Andolfatto, Ritu Khanna, Linda Mantia and Robert Townsend

Closing Remarks

by Carolyn Wilkins

Content Type(s): Conferences and workshops
Research Topic(s): Digital currencies and fintech