Bank of Canada Announces the Recipient of its 2015 Law Enforcement Award of Excellence for Counterfeit Deterrence

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The Bank of Canada is pleased to announce the recipient of its 2015 Law Enforcement Award of Excellence for Counterfeit Deterrence.

This award, which has been presented since 2004, recognizes the outstanding achievements of criminal justice professionals and educators involved in the prevention and deterrence of bank note counterfeiting in Canada.

This year’s recipient is Detective Bill Allen of the Edmonton Police Service. In presenting the award, Michael Duncan, Justice System Specialist of the Bank’s Currency Department, remarked: “Detective Allen is passionate about his work in counterfeit deterrence. He has made tremendous contributions to the investigations of major counterfeit cases, and also has a deep commitment to crime prevention efforts.”

Detective Allen was honoured in the presence of his peers at the annual Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in Québec City, Québec.

Note to Editors:

A photo from the awards ceremony is available on CNW Group’s Canada NewsWire.

Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
Research Topic(s): Bank notes