Workshop on Price Dynamics, Inflation and Monetary Policy
Welcome and Opening Remarks
by Rhys Mendes
Session 1: Recent Inflation Dynamics
Are Chinese Growth and Inflation Too Smooth? Evidence from Engel Curves
Presentation: Emi Nakamura, Jon Steinsson and Miao Liu
Small Price Responses to Large Demand Shocks
Presentation: Etienne Gagnon and David Lopez-Salido
Session 2: Multi-Product Firms Price-Setting Mechanisms and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
Small and Large Price Changes and the Propagation of Monetary Shocks
Presentation: Fernando Alvarez, Hervé Le Bilan and Francesco Lippi
Rational Inattention, Multi-Product Firms and the Neutrality of Money
Presentation: Raphael Schoenle and Ernesto Pasten
Session 3: Inflation and Expectations
How do firms form their expectations? New survey evidence
Presentation: Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Saten Kumar
Consumer Attitudes and the Epidemiology of Inflation Expectations
Presentation: Michael Ehrmann, Damjan Pfajfar and Emiliano Santoro
Session 4: Intensive and Extensive Margin Adjustment
Retailer Pass-Through and Its Determinants Using Scanner Data: Theory and Evidence
Presentation: Alexis Antoniades and Nicola Zaniboni
Are Labor or Product Markets to Blame for Recessions?
Presentation: Benjamin Malin, Mark Bils and Pete Klenow