Financial Intermediation and Vulnerabilities

NOTE: Papers are presented in the language of the authors only.

The Political Economy of Banking Reform: A U.K. Perspective

Presentation: sir John Vickers

Real Estate Investors and the Boom and Bust of the U.S. Housing Market

Presentation: Wenli Li
Discussants: Césaire Meh and Derek Stacey

Efficient Mortgage Design in an Equilibrium Model and Housing and Mortgage Markets

Presentation: Edward Kung
Discussants:: Tom Davidoff and Jim MacGee

What Explains High Unemployment? The Aggregate Demand Channel

Presentation: Amir Sufi
Discussants: Katsiaryna Kartashova and Rui Castro

Consumer Bankruptcy and Information

Presentation: Evren Damar
Discussants: Reint Gropp and Emre Ergungor

Capital Flows and the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy

Presentation: Hyun Shin
Discussants: Guillaume Plantin

Theory of Bank Liquidity Requirements

Presentation: Charles Calomiris
Discussants: David Martinez-Miera and Francesco Trebbi

The Flight from Maturity

Presentation: Gary Gorton
Discussants: Anna Kovner and Andrew Morton

Responding to a Shadow Banking Crisis: The Lessons of 1763

Presentation: William Roberds
Discussants: Angela Redish and Olivier Accominotti

Covered Bonds, Core Markets and Financial Stability

Presentation: James Chapman
Discussants: Douglas Gale and Rodney Garratt

Panel on Financial Intermediation and Vulnerabilities

Presentation: Prasanna Gai
Discussants: Mark Carney, Stanley Fischer and Rob Kaplan

Content Type(s): Conferences and workshops