Perspectives on Potential Output and Productivity Growth
NOTE: The papers listed here are reproduced as submitted by their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Bank of Canada. Papers submitted by persons not in the employ of the Bank of Canada may be subject to the copyright policies of the submitters' organizations and/or countries, and therefore should not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the author(s). Papers are presented in the language of the authors only.
"Estimation and Analysis Euro Area Potential Output Growth"
Tommaso Proietti and Alberto Musso
Discussion: Marc-André Gosselin
"Potential Output Growth in Several Industrialized Countries: a Comparison"
Christophe Cahn and Arthur Saint-Guilhem
Discussion: Don Coletti
"The Production Function Approach to Calculating Potential Growth and Output Gaps Estimates for EU Member States and the US"
Werner Roeger
"Inflation indicators in a sticky price framework"
Magnus Jonsson, Stefan Laséen, and Karl Walentin
Discussion: Rhys Mendes
"The Sources of the Second Surge of U.S. Productivity and Implications for the Future"
Dale W. Jorgenson, Mun S. Ho, and Kevin J. Stiroh
Discussion: Nicholas Oulton
"Productivity Growth in UK Industries, 1970-2000: Structural Change and the Role of ICT" and Presentation
Nicholas Oulton and Sylaja Srinivasan
"Firm Life-Cycle Dynamics and Productivity"
Danny Leung, Césaire Meh, and Yasuo Terajima
"Is the Cheque in the Mail?"
Aaron Drew and Max Dupuy
Discussion: Gerard Belet
"Productivity Growth: the Effect of Market Regulations"
Christopher Kent and John Simon
Discussion: Remy Lecat
"Employment Patterns in OECD Countries: Reassessing the Role of Policies and Institutions"
Andrea Bassanini and Romain Duval
Discussion: Gilbert Cette
"Measures of Potential Output from an Estimated DSGE Model of the United States"
Michel Juillard, Ondra Kamenik, Michael Kumhof and Douglas Laxton
"Synthesis - Potential Output: Interpreting the Past and Predicting the Future"
Susanto Basu